Tag Archives: meme

MEME: 34 things you might not know about me…

Pinched from Kate Gordon –  here are 34 (cos that’s how old I am) things you don’t know about me:

  1. In 2009 I read around 200 novels. I’ve already passed 230 in 2010.
  2. I never thought I’d have kids, until I met my husband.
  3. I wanted to be a teacher from the time I was in Year 2.
  4. The library was my favourite place to hang out all through school.
  5. I used to collect rocks when I was a kid. I would clean them and sort them regularly, and I think my parents still have some of my "collection"!
  6. It took me three weeks to read The Hobbit when I was at university. I never got past the first five chapters of The Lord of the Rings.
  7. I’m really good at retail and hospitality work.
  8. I have three university degrees.
  9. I once ran an indoor sports centre with my husband and a country pub with my husband.
  10. I visited Stonehenge twice when I went to the UK for my brother’s wedding.
  11. I’m very interested in family history, because there are lots of skeletons in my family closet.
  12. I was the lead in my high school musical "Doctor Pimples"!
  13. I was the vice-captain of my high school. I was the school captain of my primary school.
  14. I’ve been doing public speaking since Year 5, when my principal asked me to emcee our school Christmas concert. I don’t get nervous when I speak to crowds.
  15. My most overused word is “awesome”.
  16. I’m an excellent backstroke swimmer.
  17. I’m a National Councillor for the Australian School Library Association. I’ve no idea how that happened.
  18. I once had a story shortlisted in a national short story competition. I still think it’s the best thing I’ve ever written.
  19. I wrote a romance novel when I was 16. 
  20. I have four tattoos (although one covers another): my first was a flying unicorn, when I was 18. I also have a phoenix and a celtic ankle band (which covers a really crappy band of starbursts.
  21. I have three earrings in each ear, but I used to have three in one and one in the other.
  22. I’ve loved cats my whole life, but now I have kids, I only like them.
  23. I’m allergic to most dogs. And horses. 
  24. Despite that, I ride tolerably well.
  25. I have excellent blood pressure – three pregnancies worth of doctors tell me so 🙂
  26. I attended four different primary schools, in two different states, which resulted in my atrocious handwriting (different styles in formative years).
  27. When my daughter became interested in Barbie dolls, I was able to give her a suitcase full of my old dolls and accessories, still in pretty good nick. 
  28. I became involved in the Australian spec fic scene because of Simon Brown’s book "Inheritance" – it’s a long story, but a good one! This means Simon is the one responsible for many of the friendships I have today – thanks Simon!
  29. I broke my right wrist tripping over a low brick wall onto very soft lawn. I broke my left wrist falling off monkey bars. 
  30. I’ve never been hospitalised for injury or illness (only babies).
  31. I’ve lived in WA, QLD, NT and NSW, and have visited every other Australian state except Tasmania.
  32. I lived in the Northern Territory for a year when I was 17, working as a governess, but never visited Alice Springs or Darwin.
  33. I hate coffee, and anything coffee-flavoured.
  34. I bake excellent muffins but am terrible at biscuits.

So, what about you? What’s your age? Tell us that many things about yourself.


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Day 09 – Best scene ever

Day 09 – Best scene ever
Just about any of the "impressions" in the early Pern books. They make me cry 🙂

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Day 08 – A book everyone should read at least once

Day 08 – A book everyone should read at least once
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell. I just loved it, so everyone else should too 🙂

More days…


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30 Days of Books: Day 7

Day 07 – Least favorite plot device employed by way too many books you actually enjoyed otherwise

I don’t know that it’s a plot device, but as I was reading 60-odd YA books for a judging gig this year, I was disappointed to find how many of them had undeserved happy endings. These books might be crunchy, gritty and tough in lots of other ways, but they end up with the girl getting the guy, or the best friend, or the winning result, or the happy family … and it just doesn’t ring true. It’s almost like authors (or editors, or publishers) think that YA books have to have happy endings, no matter WHAT the subject matter. But life isn’t LIKE that. And teen readers are pretty smart, and must be as dissatisfied as I am when the whole storyline is betrayed by the ending.  More days…


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30 Days of Books: Day 4

Ahem. Seems I missed one. In my defence, #4 & #6 are pretty similar questions… 🙂

Day 04 – Your favorite book or series ever

Very very hard call. I have a new favourite every week I reckon! For this one though, I’m going to diverge from my norm here and say Lightning, by Dean Koontz. I went through a huge Koontz phase before I got into SF&F proper (seriously though, what’s not proper about time travel?!), but this was the first of his I read, and I’ve reread it multiple times and still think it’s brilliant. It’s Koontz characterisation before Koontz characters got stale; it’s intricate, awesome plotting; and great action and tension. Love it, and it’s probably time for a reread!
Jump for the rest of the days…

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