Monthly Archives: March 2008

Things to do…

* Layout issue 35 for ASIM
* Slush Shiny backlog (darn you Swancon *shakes fist*)
* Organise birthday presents for mum and dad
* Ring brother for b’day tomorrow
* Get kids to school on time
* Get self to work on time (and preferably organised) – this involves getting some work sorted out for the classes!
* Adverts for Festival this week (ACK!

 can you please forward me the email I sent you about this? I don’t have these details anymore!)
* Payments for issues 33 & 34
* Mailout for issues 33 & 34 (hmmm. Buy envelopes for mailout).
* Do filing.
* Find new mouse for computer (driving me batty)
* 10 pin bowling for big boy on Thursday
* Go to gym (I need it!)
* Watch Grey’s Anatomy
* Do ironing
* Make up and clean up spare room (including the filing that will inevitably get strewn all over the bed in the process)
* Start organising garage for big chuck out
* Finalise story lineup and do editing, choose artwork etc for issue 36
* Work on sekrit project for TPP
* Try to maintain real and cyber world relationships and not burst with busyness!

Heh. This list is NOT in order of importance or deadlines, and much of it will not be looked at until the school hols in two weeks. Yay!



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New email address

I’ve f-locked this post, so fingers crossed it doesn’t go out into the wild!

Due to ongoing email issues, I’ve now got a new email address. Please change this in your e-dresses and drop me a line if you will as I have no contacts anymore 😦  

I’ve also lost all my emails from the past 18 months or so since I started using Outlook which is kind of devastating, as that’s my filing system. Most importantly, if you sent me an email in the past two weeks that required action, PLEASE resend it to the new address.

asimmum at gmail dot com

Thanks folks.


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The Difference between work and play…

I have just been at one of the most boring professional development days ever. Maybe that’s unfair. It probably wasn’t all that bad, as PD goes. But I’ve just come down off a Swancon, where enjoyable conversation with excellent people with common interests is the norm; where we work and play in tandem, because the work we do at Swancon is for our own pleasure for the most part. Of course, the fact that physically I’m still weary from the con probably doesn’t help either!

But I think I also knew a bit too much about the stuff they were on about today. Same content, different process. Time to ease up on the PD for a while I think 🙂

Am typing on hubby’s laptop – computer still sick. If you’re expecting an email from me, please be patient (or resend it, and I can action it immediately).


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Is late, I know, and it won’t be comprehensive as I’m just tossing it down when I’m supposed to be working. However, as I can’t see me having any serious computer time til next week, just quickly, here is a brief wrap up.

I won a Ditmar. 🙂

Seriously, that’s it!

I had a ball at Swancon, barring the odd organisational issue. The people were awesome (I used that word a lot!) and there was lots of fun to be had. It was great to finally meet some people in the flesh, and get to know others that bit better. I even went to a program item! Fair enough, it was Rob Shearman’s reading, but I went!

2012/Worker’s Paradise launch was fun, as was of course girliecon and the various room parties in

‘s room (you’re a legend!). I had family commitments Saturday night, but the Ditmars were great (well done

) not the least because Andromeda Spaceways won Best Professional Achievement, and me Best New Talent, which was lovely, thanks to all who voted. girliejones and co also cleaned up, and Rick Kennett’s story from ASIM 28 won Best Short Story. Tin Ducks were cool too (congrats to

on winning the long form!), and it was just great to see so many people I know winning well deservedly. The Mumfan and Silver Swan awards were tear jerking, and make you really appreciate the community in general.

I’ve missed loads of important stuff, and I hope to be more comprehensive soon. Best go do some real work now!


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News and congratulations!

Two things I’ve found in my LJ trolling after two busy Swancon days and a lovely family night tonight (while making bunny feet for the morning…):

The Hugo nominations are out and there’s Aussies all over! Congrats to Jonathan Strahan, Greg Egan and Shaun Tan (and also Ken MacLeod, Swancon guest nominated for the story out of Jonathan’s anthology The New Space Opera). Woot!

Also, not quite as big news, but there is a new community formed for the Adelaide Natcon next year (Conjecture) and they are calling for interest and suggestions – go check it out – let’s get behind these guys!


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