Tag Archives: Babies

Oh, I forgot!

Heh, we’ve had a couple of other little things this past few days. Bubs has started having a bit of “solid” food (rice cereal barely counts as solid!) – I’d forgotten how cute babies are when they are learning to eat! The perplexed look they get, the little tongue working, trying to understand the new textures and tastes – cute! So that’s a fun new thing.

Oh, and husband has sold his mine. I banked the final cheque today. That’s also fun 🙂

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Another week over

It boggles me how fast time is going right now! With the broken sleep, and lots of baby cuddles during the day, as well as running around after the bigger kids, it just seems to evaporate! Since last update, one thing that has happened was a surprise visit from the landlord of our rental here (COMPLETELY against all the rules!) to tell us she was not prepared to extend our lease for the duration we had requested, meaning we either have to be bullied into another 12 months, or leave. Given our lease expires 26 December, you can imagine how impressed I am. Ever so graciously, she’s given us until the 25th of January if we are moving – still unimpressed, given the schedule we have for the next six weeks. And there are bugger all houses suitable for us, in our price range, in the areas we’d be happy to move to – even MORE unimpressed. So despite my misgivings (and the fact the owner plans to put the house on the market, by the sound of things), it looks like we will probably have to re-sign for another year, and accept that we won’t be looking elsewhere for the duration. Which has positives and negatives, the most negative being (for me), that the bully wins. Grrrr.

Other than that, things speed on towards Christmas. Got Master Ten and Miss Seven’s presents wrapped yesterday, still working on the rest. Kids finished school today (a week and a half earlier than the public system, jeepers!) and now I have to find things for them to do for the next week! 🙂 Bubs is doing well, even though sleeping at night has its ups and downs – had his four week health check yesterday (a little late due to a reschedule by the clinic) and he’s put on over 1.2kg in three weeks – which you can tell, just be carrying him! And he’s outgrown both the newborn baby nappies and the first of his 000 growsuits (the 0000 one we had got one outing only!) – happens so quickly, then you turn around and they aren’t tiny any more!

Kids finished school today – a week and a half earlier than the public schools! Kids enjoyed their last few days, with lots of parties and extra activities. They finished at lunchtime, and I offered to have a friend’s two as well, as she had to work, so we hung out at Maccas for a couple of hours before coming home for more play. I spent the afternoon/evening packing all the school ephemera into a box – we have a number of such boxes, detritus of daycare/school/birthdays etc. I guess vaguely I think one day I’ll get time to “scrapbook” it all, but I think that if I listen to the honest part of me, I know that’s never going to happen! That said, I remember coming across some of my early primary school books as an adult, and it’s great fun to look through them. If Mum and Dad can be bothered carting boxes of “stuff” around for the next 20 years!

Anyway, am finally printing the Christmas letter, so might start addressing some envelopes. Have to figure out whose physical addresses I actually have! May end up only being family if I can’t unearth the address book!

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We have a date!

Probably the most interesting thing that has happened this week is we have a caesarean date! Barring unforeseen early arrivals (none of the others showed any sign of coming early, so fingers – and legs! – crossed!), new baby will arrive on November 8. Which is speeding closer way faster than I like! The doctor, nursing and admin staff at the Launceston General Hospital antenatal section are really very nice.

We’re getting organised – yesterday Master Two and I went birthday present shopping for Master Nine and Miss Six (7 on Sunday!), and picked up the last few maternity and new baby things. We have visitors coming this weekend (and despite the universe’s best efforts at making me go to five different things on Saturday, I’m not doing any, though we have M6’s party on Sunday), after which I’ll think again about how I’m going to restructure the kids’ rooms before baby. And then start getting things moved around. Have to go through all the kids’ clothes again too – time for a giveaway of M6’s clothes, a shuffle up of new size for M2 and uncover all the baby things!

It is very nice not working outside the home – seems to be easier to keep the house fairly tidy, and stay on top of other stuff. I lost most of today to socialising (well, there was a bit of work related stuff as well!), but still did dinner, got the washing done and tidied the house. And did some slushing! Need to achieve more than that to get things done, but not bad for a social day 🙂

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New baby – first pic!

I think I forgot to announce it here – we are expecting our fourth baby in November! The kids (particularly Miss 6) are very excited, as are we! Had a scan today, at 13 weeks and saw all the right things for a growing creature to have (arms, legs – two of each – brain, heart etc!). Picture proof! This also helps explain my illness and lack of energy for the past couple of months – I knew, but I wasn’t telling!


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A week of ups and downs

It’s been a funny old week. The best news of the week so far is that I have a new niece! My brother and his wife had their third baby this morning, and we’re all delighted she’s a girl. Her two big brothers (and boy cousins) aren’t all that impressed, but Miss Six is delighted. I have photos, but I might get in trouble for sharing them 🙂

Not so good news is that Mum has been diagnosed with lymphoma (not sure which type yet). She’s having a biopsy today and a PET scan tomorrow, and we’ll know more next week. We’re very hopeful, given it’s been caught early, we think, by a very tenacious doctor, but it’s a bit of a shock, given that’s she’s feeling entirely well! Starting to think my dad’s family are a bit of a worry. Of six siblings, FIVE of their spouses have battled cancer (but they themselves are healthy as horses)! A little freaky.

We’re choosing to run with all the positives this week, despite the downers. What else can you do?

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