Tag Archives: Christmas

What have we been doing?

ChristmasLunchAn AWFUL lot of socialising! We decided to host Christmas here in our lovely Launceston house, for Tassie friends who would otherwise be on their own – most of our friends here are also not originally FROM here, so we ended up with a good batch on Christmas Day, which was just lovely. I made one meat and one vegetarian lasagne, and with the marvellous contributions by visitors, we merrily ate all day while the kids enjoyed the pool, trampoline and new Chrissy pressies. We put the computers away on Christmas Eve and didn’t get them out until Boxing Day, which was a good move, I think!

Christmas night the big kids and I went with a couple of friends to another family’s property for a fantastic dinner and good company – husband stayed home after overindulging in desserts during the day and to put the little boys to bed early (Master Three was particularly in need of the sleep rather than social life!), but we enjoyed ourselves nonetheless.

Since Christmas we’ve had several play days, including a birthday party Miss Eight attended on Boxing Day, and chauffeuring children to various locations as well as receiving them here. On the weekend, Tansy, Finchy and the girls stayed over Saturday night and most of Sunday, when we were joined by the extended Flinthart clan for lunch and the afternoon – there are drawbacks to having creative friends, and the inspiration for new projects is one of them! We sent the Flinthart home with a story idea to write and I came away with even more things to do!

NYERemnantsNew Year’s Eve we again hosted a fairly impromptu get together with two other families – this time I said I wasn’t cooking but I ended up deciding my pizzas were nicer than Dominos so while we chatted and imbibed around the kitchen island I made and cooked several which were eaten with gusto by adults and kids alike, so I’ll call that a win. Given we had celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary at lunchtime with a meal at Hogs Breath (new to Launceston!), a lighter evening meal went down well. Oh, and it was certainly nice to relax with friends and watch the kids run riot, as Master Three had a spill off the trampoline (not jumping, but trying to drop the ladder off so the baby wouldn’t hurt himself climbing up!) and we spent a couple of hours in the morning at the Emergency room – a minorish break in the arm, requiring a half cast for a week. The resilience of youth is amazing, as he was literally bouncing after a meal and a nap!

We’re now awaiting the arrival of Helen, Stewart and J, for an overnight (and several day delayed, so we’re very excited!) visit, which will be followed on Friday by a catch up with mainlander Dr Slatter who is travelling about, and no doubt the next couple of weeks will continue to be hectic with child-wrangling in multiple forms. Gotta love a social school holidays!


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Christmas Eve, and scary deadlines are approaching!

We’ve had a marvellous couple of days. It was my husband’s 40th birthday on Thursday, but he wasn’t home. However, as a surprise for him I’d invited his closest friend/surrogate dad and family over to celebrate with us and they came, arriving early hours of Thursday morning. We didn’t end up catching up with them until 1pm because I got sidetracked at Alisa’s and with some last minute Christmas shopping after swimming lessons (thinking they would be sleeping off their travels – they weren’t, entirely, but it worked out okay!). I picked them up at their holiday house and took them to a lovely restaurant on the foreshore for lunch (where we toasted absent husband for his birthday), which killed a couple of hours, then back to our place for swim and toast for dinner, with Master Nine going back with them to sleepover!

Friday was our last Vac Swim day (to my enormous surprise, Miss Six passed stage 5, after only the week’s lessons! Master Nine passed stage 6 as well, but he’s had more practise!), and we had our friends’ boy with us. Came home and got presentable, then went and dragged things out of the shed to take to the charity bins – a bit silly to do AFTER showered and dressed! But that meant once our friends came over, I could dash out and do all the last minute things I needed to do, which included a meander around the madhouse shopping centre, SANS CHILDREN!! Got home just after my cousin called in, so had a chat with her, and once she left, we all piled in the car to go pick up husband from the plane. He was very surprised, and very pleased, to see our visitors.

Today I had booked us on the Fremantle to Perth Swan River Lunch Cruise for husband’s birthday, which was very nice, but we were all (particularly the kids) getting pretty weary by late afternoon. Mutual decision to all have an early night (well, except me, but that’s normal) in the hopes that Christmas Day will be full of cheer, not tears! Fingers crossed. We’re having pressies here in the morning, then heading for the hills to have Christmas lunch with my rellies – and then I really MUST do some more packing! Eep *deadlines loom*

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Less than two weeks to go!

We’re on the final countdown. School is out (the kids finished on Wednesday, me on Friday with the staff Christmas party day). The container is here, ready to pack (it’s bigger than I thought – thank goodness!). The house is tenanted, with a 12 month lease, I think, starting January 10. Yay! Things are moving along. Eep!

The week just gone has been crazy cakes – just seemed to lurch from one thing to another, with barely a moment to catch breath and get organised for the next onslaught. Monday and Wednesday were my last official work days, so spent a lot of time trying to figure out what else I could do to make the transition easier for my staff next year, and finishing off bits and pieces of jobs. Was spoiled rotten by my Kris Kringle giver (who turned out to be Lee, my wonderful library assistant, with help from Cheryl, my other wonderful (and apparently crazy, according to all the speeches yesterday!) library assistant), and I had fun spoiling my recipient too (Lynda Mc, who works so hard on behalf of everyone in the school). KK at Kolbe is a week long affair, and is a lot of fun. Just one more thing I’ll miss!

Tuesday we went to a lunch that Jo organised, with a group of mums from the kids’ school who I’ve become friends with over the past couple of years. Despite the general grumpiness of the small children present (is that catching? They are usually all so good but were that day not, Master One particularly!), we had a really nice time – was good to catch up with them because I really haven’t had much of a chance this past few months.

Was supposed to go to a WASLA meeting that afternoon, but simply could not manage to fit the 2-3 hour meeting plus 2 hours travelling into the schedule, so reluctantly apologised. Had to get things ready for the home inspection the next morning, which I did, and we had a good response and on Friday, accepted the application of two lovely sounding tenants. Tick one off the list!

Wednesday afternoon I picked Miss Six up for a birthday party (another chance to enjoy company of friends, particularly as I left the boys at daycare so didn’t have to be harassed by them!). Thursday we picked husband up from the airport around lunchtime (I’ve never been so glad I checked online about his flight status – was delayed almost two hours, which I used very productively at home but would have been WILD if I’d had to waste them at the airport, with three children in tow!), and we stopped in at Sizzler for lunch on the way home.

He left again for work at 4am Friday (yup, about 16 hours at home in three weeks – this is why we’re moving to Tassie!) and we were out the door by 7.15, so I could get to work with just a little time to spare before practise for carols. I really enjoy the staff Christmas day at Kolbe, and will miss it. For four years, it’s been a highlight (if a bit sad sometimes) – I love being in the staff choir, performing carols and songs during Mass, which, though I’m not Catholic, I always enjoy for the sense of peacefulness and community that arises from it. This year, I received a candle and blessing as part of the staff farewells (a Kolbe tradition which is really lovely) – Lee managed to get through the beautiful blessing she and Cheryl had arranged for me, without too many tears!

Following Mass, we had the last of the staff farewells (quite a lot of people leaving this year, which meant farewells were done over several days). This included mine, in which Jody said many lovely things about me, and also managed without too many tears (darn you people, when YOU cry it makes ME cry!). I’m really going to miss Kolbe in so many ways, in particular for the friends I have made there. *sniff*

Me with Jody (one of the most awesome women I know)

Then it was the discovery of who everyone’s KK people were, and we were off to Meadow Springs golf club for a wonderful lunch, a few drinks and last conversations. I won a prize in the raffle, ate way too much, took loads of photos, and received and gave lots of goodbye hugs. *double sniff* It was a long and fairly emotional day, even though I’ll probably see some people again before we leave, and more next year on one of the trips I have already got planned! Still, it’s sad.

Anyway, today we’re off to Meadow Springs again, for a family Christmas BBQ at my cousins. In fact, we’re supposed to already be on our way, but Master One is asleep so I’m letting him have as much as possible. Best get a wriggle on though. At least the busiest week is now over and we can relax a bit. Um, no, wait. We already have three social things booked in for next week, plus, you know, PACKING. Eep!

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Another week down – not quite three to go!

I was a bit horrified on Friday to realise that by that time in three weeks, we would be gone. An awful lot still to get done between now and then, but I think I have everything booked and ready to go, in the right order. Had the electrician on Friday to install three new fans and a powerpoint (but will need to get him back as I’m not happy with the finished job on one fan). Tick. Sold old TV and one piece of Miss Six’s furniture yesterday, and the BBQ during the week. Tick. Got Christmas photo done. Tick. Went to my school’s family Christmas party on Friday afternoon (it was the first social thing we did when we came to the area, so this was our fifth one!) followed by the kids’ school Christmas concert (disappointing compared to last year, but at least the weather was nice). Tick.

The kids also got their reports on Friday, and I was particularly delighted to see such an improvement in Master Nine’s, compared to mid-year – he really took on board the discussion we had after that, and made a huge effort to improve. Miss Six got a great report too – smart little cookies my kids!

We had a lovely day with SF-friends as a little farewell for me yesterday (see previous post) which is the second of three farewells I get! I have the best friends, and in many different areas of my life. I’m grateful for them all, and will MISS THEM!!! Mustn’t think too hard about the fact I won’t be within easy driving of them anymore. Must not.

To keep my mind off that, here’s Master One in his Santa hat 🙂





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Merry Christmas!

We have husband home for Christmas for the first time in about four years, which is lovely (although because he’s had a week at work after five weeks on holidays and only got home last night, he’s a bit buggered and is already on his second nap of the morning!). Kids stayed in bed til 6ish, and didn’t disturb us until about 6.30, which is about normal. They got to open their "stocking" presents (pillow cases make good stockings) in the bed with us, then weren’t allowed any under the tree pressies til after breakfast. Aren’t I mean? 🙂 It was then time for a swim, and the food started! I made a roast for a late lunch, and if anyone wants food after that, other than cherries, watermelon, chips and chocolates, husband will be cooking it!

We had a lovely long swim (bubs too) and have spent the rest of the day in the aircon. Have done a little reading, had a nap and played lego, blocks, craft and that’s about it! Hope your day was as nice 🙂

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