Monthly Archives: December 2015

And the winner is…

Liz Barr! Congratulations Liz on being the 2016 NAFF delegate to attend Contact 2016 in Brisbane next Easter!

More information here.


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Squeeing over Supergirl: Red Faced, S01E06

David McDonald and Tehani Wessely have been squeeing about the new Supergirl television show for months, so they decided to take time each week to discuss the new episodes as they air. They may occasionally rope in their friends to get excited too.


Supergirl – Episode 6, “Red Faced”

DAVID: Well, we are now at Episode 6, and in some ways the show is starting to hit its stride—but in some ways not so much. I feel like the show is trying to say some really important things about sexism and equality, but I’m afraid that sometimes the execution doesn’t measure up. I know the feeling, sometimes when I am writing I feel like I can’t do certain subjects justice, that I don’t have the the necessary tools or ability, and it can be incredibly frustrating. But, I am not a professional screenwriter, either!

Supergirl S01E06 Army Lucy
: Did you catch the line about the President being a woman? It was blink and miss, but cute. I agree though, the spirit is definitely willing in what they are trying to do but the flesh is sometimes weak. Having said that, I think it’s great that the attempt is being made, particularly considering the audience the show is aimed at.

Supergirl S01E06 WinnDAVID: I liked the exploration of acceptability of being angry, and I think Cat nails it when she says women can’t be angry in the business world. You only have to look at the difference in terminology that people use to describe the same mood depending on gender, or even the jokes about hormones etc that men never get, to know how true this is. James makes a good point though, about black men not being encouraged to show anger either, and I think that is probably one of the best lines of the episode—subtly inserted in to point out an inequality, lacking some of the clumsiness of other equally valuable societal observations.

Supergirl S01E06 JamesTEHANI: Agreed! This stuff was handled well, I thought. Cat Grant is totally my favourite thing ever – they are using her as a mouthpiece and doing it quite successfully. And isn’t it just so fantastic that we HAVE James to be able to say these sort of things? Red-headed, white Jimmy Olsen wouldn’t quite get away with it. Oh look, diversity, see what can be done?! Continue reading

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Scattery all over the place

I’m trying to get things done this week, and I’m being successful in dribs and drabs. I scrubbed the floor in the bathroom (as in, with a scrubbing brush and bleach – who knew how satisfying that task could be??) and the living areas are all looking presentable. The washing and folding is up to date, with a basket of ironing beckoning me today. I’ve caught up on blog post scheduling and review writing, have made a little progress on some publishing things that are underway, and am on target to meet my Goodreads Reading Challenge goal (look, graphic novels count in my tally, and I am happy for them to do so!).

So far, I’m calling that a win. Lots of publishing tasks need to be done but I’m chipping away at those. I also need to do some prep for my library class next year, as I’ve got to rewrite a bunch of assessment to meet VET competency criteria. But this week is just about Christmas – am very glad I was pretty prepared gift-wise, and Miss 10 and I wrote up a shopping list to pick up a few food things we’ll need for Christmas meals, which we’ll pick up tomorrow. Another quiet Chrissy at home for us – lots of lolling about the house I reckon!

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It’s the holidays!

The Christmas school holidays started for me last Friday afternoon, and I’ve been having a social time ever since! This week I’ve had baby cuddles and lovely chats at Karen’s place, a massage and facial (courtesy of my birthday present from my darling husband), got to spend the day with my husband on Tuesday, including a family dinner out at the great Star Buffet, and today hung out at IKEA with PP, followed by an impromptu story session with Kaaron at her place (her writing, me slushing) – there was also chatting. Tomorrow I’m catching up with another work friend after my final blood donation for the year, and there are more social meet ups on the agenda for the next week or so! At some point, I’d probably also do some things around the house, but I’ve been making the most of 3/4s of the children still being in school this week 🙂

Holidays are great – love being able to do all the social things!

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2016 NAFF race – voting open now!

NAFF 2015

Welcome to the NAFF race for 2016. The National Australian Fan Fund (NAFF) was created to assist fans to travel across Australia to attend the National Science Fiction Convention (Natcon). NAFF assists fans to travel to the Natcon and covers the costs of airfares and accommodation. The Natcon donates a convention membership. This year’s NAFF race is to the 55th Australian Natcon, Contact, which will be held in Brisbane during Easter, 25– 28 March 2016. It is expected that the winner will produce a report of their trip, engage in fundraising to support future NAFF races, and to help administer the NAFF race for the following two years. All Australian fans are eligible to vote.

The voting process contributes to the fundraising so each vote costs $5. You are more than welcome to donate more than this amount! Votes are being collected by: Tehani Wessely and the candidates. For more information please contact Tehani at

You can vote online here with just a few clicks.

Voting opens Wednesday 2 December 2015 and concludes on Wednesday 23 December 2015.

Your candidates for this year:

Liz Barr (VIC)

Since 2013, I’ve been a member of the organising committee for Melbourne’s Continuum convention, serving in the capacities of programmer (C9, 2013); membership officer (C10, 2014); and chair (C11; 2015). With Stephanie Lai, I’ve blogged about fandom, media, social justice, childhood nostalgia trips turned dystopian nightmares and assorted Australiana at since 2013.

I have a strong interest in developing and promoting an intersectional and accessible feminism in fandom, promoting Australian genre media, particularly for young adults and children, and also advancing a sinister squid-related agenda and the return of Harold Holt from his watery domain.

Nominated by: Lucy Baker (VIC), Melina Dahms (QLD), and Stephanie Lai (VIC).

Elizabeth Fitzgerald (ACT)

I’ve been a SFF book geek ever since reading The Hobbit at age five. Currently, I run a book blog at Earl Grey Editing and am just starting my fourth term as the Secretary of the Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild. Over the years, I’ve volunteered with Dewey’s 24-hour readathon and Conflux. I’m an unabashed roleplayer and reader of fanfiction.

I love to connect communities and to create positive relationships between fans and creators. I’ve attended many Confluxes but would like to attend a convention with a stronger focus on fans (and to geek out over books with Kirilee Barker).

Nominated by: Donna Maree Hanson (ACT), Kathleen Jennings (QLD), and Gillian Polack (ACT).

Maureen Flynn (NSW)

I love the speculative fiction community – whether cos playing, attending cons (especially Conflux), judging on the Aurealis, supporting authors at book launches or being a friendly face for all who choose to be part of Australia’s vibrant community. I blog, I read a lot, I write and I love to support and really get to know people. I’ve never been to Contact before, and I’d love to hear the passion of others and share my passion right on back, especially at something at important as a natcon. NAFF would provide me with the financial support to make that happen.

Nominated by: Emily Craven (QLD), David McDonald (VIC), and Kaaron Warren (ACT).

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