
ActiveReviewsI have always read a lot but I realised a while ago that I wasn’t review very much at all these days (occasional short posts on Goodreads mostly). Consequently, I’ve decided I need to get back into it. I wanted to give myself a focus, so the reviews I post here will be exclusively of books by women (although sometimes anthologies I review may include male writers), and I’m aiming for many of them to be books from small presses and self-publishers. I would really like to increase my reading of non-white, non-US writers as well.

I buy a lot of books myself and read through my library, but if you have a forthcoming book that fits the description above, I’d be pleased to consider it for review (I make no guarantee of a positive review, only an honest one. Nor will I guarantee WHEN or even IF I will review it I will do my best but sometimes it just won’t happen).

My preference is for mobi files sent to (or query me for a postal address if you want to send a physical book). I will reply to let you know I’ve received the book and will send you a link to the review when it appears. I will not respond if the book is not within the parameters set out above. 

Who am I to do this? I was a founding member of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine in 2001. Now firmly entrenched in Australian speculative fiction and independent press with FableCroft Publishing, I have also edited for Twelfth Planet Press (among other duties), judged for the Aurealis Awards, CBCA Book of the Year and the WA Premier’s Book Awards, read far more in one genre than is healthy, and write reviews, non-fiction and interviews. In my spare moments, I work as a secondary school Teacher Librarian.