Monthly Archives: March 2014

Cranky Ladies of History: 7 days left!

cross-posted from FableCroft:

Cranky Ladies logoThis is it! The final week of the Cranky Ladies of History Pozible campaign is underway! We are at  $9900 (updated! $10,075!!) with an amazing 180 supporters on board the Cranky Ladies train, and Tansy and I are just delighted with the result so far. We have smashed our first stretch goal of more art by the brilliant Kathleen Jennings, and we’re aiming high — if we can hit $12,500, we can add another 25,000 words to our book! That’s more stories and more great authors to enjoy, which would help make the book even more awesome.

But what’s in it for you? Why back a crowdfunding campaign that is already funded? There are lots of good reasons (including the fact it makes us do a little dance!) and I wrote about some of them here – exclusive campaign rewards! Publisher dancing! All good things :)

In case you missed it on the weekend, we got some more mainstream media notice with Linda Morris from the Sydney Morning Herald writing a great article about the cranky ladies, which was published on Sunday. We’re so pleased to see that our Cranky Ladies are receiving such attention, and with the previous ABC News Online article and radio appearances and everything, have to say it’s pretty cool. Stay tuned for a few more interviews/articles to come!

I might sound a bit like a broken record, but I really can’t thank enough everyone who has pledged and signal-boosted the campaign over the past three weeks. You’re amazing. And thank you as well to the very excellent people who have taken part in our Cranky Ladies Blog Tour — it’s been such a fantastic response, and it’s still going! Check out the posts so far, and keep an eye out for more to come.

Cranky Ladies, storming the world!

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It’s not the ending, but the journey that’s important…

…and boy, has the journey been busy lately! I’ve been working full-time since the end of January, coming home each night (sometimes as late as 7pm or so) and hooking straight back in to my “other” jobs, particularly FableCroft things, but also CBCA and other roles as well. And I’m loving it, though I’m rather worried about dropping any of the balls I’ve got in the air right now! And I’m being EXTREMELY cautious about taking on anything that looks too far ahead, because while it’s been fantastic having time on my own in Canberra to get settled into my job, I’m very aware that once the rest of the family relocates, my time shrinks dramatically! So I’m saying “no” a fair bit, which is a good exercise 🙂

Cranky Ladies logoTaking up most of my time in the past few weeks has been the Cranky Ladies of History campaign. There’s a lot going on, including a bunch of media interviews (including one with Alex Pierce over at Galactic Chat, which went live yesterday), the Cranky Ladies blog tour and the like (which is fantastic!), and maintaining the momentum of the campaign. I’m so lucky Tansy is on board the project, because there’s just no way it would be doing so well without her! Having someone else to bounce ideas off and work with to make the very best book possible is a huge bonus. Not just a bonus – it’s making the project happen! She’s awesome, and this weekend is in Beaconsfield for the inaugural Festival of Golden Words, so I hope she has a lovely time!

I’m also noodling away on slushing for Insert Title Here, thankfully with the support of the very excellent Dirk Flinthart, and working on final edits for Jo Anderton’s new book. In addition, the Aurealis Awards are speeding up on top of us (have you got your tickets to the ceremony yet – it’s going to be a blast!), as is the CBCA Judging Conference (the same weekend!) which means all the final re-reading and collation of reports is underway. Add to that the editing of the next issue of the WASLA journal, and organising the family from afar, on top of a full-on, full-time job, and some wonderful friends I’m enjoying catching up with? Well, let’s just say I’m certainly not bored!!

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